
Showing posts from October, 2018

How to Use Essential Oils on Your Skin

Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying directly to skin. Pure essential oils come with a high risk of a serious allergic reaction. Once you've diluted it and done a patch test, you can safely rub it onto your skin. Read on and get ready to relax CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Use Essential Oils for Household Cleaning

Many companies make household cleaners that include plant oils and resins. For example, pine resin is a key ingredient in turpentine. Pure essential oils have been found to effectively clean and disinfect the home. You can safely and cost-effectively create homemade household cleaners. There are a number of different home cleanser recipes that require various essential oils, such as lemon, cinnamon, pine, rose and eucalyptus. These oils are available online or at natural food stores. Make a fresh batch of cleanser with a few drops of oil each time you clean your house, or label it and keep it at hand for spills. This article will tell you how to use essential oils for household cleaning. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Make an Essential Oil Room Spray

An essential oil room spray is a way to add fragrance to your room with the minimum of ingredients and you have the opportunity to tailor it to your own preferences, especially if you're familiar with the principles of aromatherapy. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

How to Create a Steam Facial with Essential Oils

Getting a facial can be an expensive treatment at most spas. Fortunately, you can easily make a luxurious steam facial at home. You probably already have most of the things you need and you can tailor your steam facial by selecting your own essential oils. Improve your circulation, clean your skin, or just relax by picking essential oils with helpful properties. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Ease Stress with Essential Oils

Aromatherapy, or the practice of inhaling the aroma of various essential oils, can be as effective in reducing anxiety as some prescription medications. While many aromatherapy techniques rely on steam, there are a handful of other ways to use essential oils to de-stress as well. To enhance the impact, familiarize yourself with the specific essential oils that are best recognized for their stress-fighting potential CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Sleep Better With Essential Oils

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important parts of any person’s day as well as for her health and wellbeing. But in today’s hectic world, many people have difficulty falling and staying asleep. There are many different ways that people can relieve their insomnia, and using essential oils is one natural and simple method that may help you sleep better. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Diffuse Essential Oils

Diffusion is the spontaneous and random movement of particles of gases, liquids, and solids from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. [1] The only safe way to diffuse essential oils is cold diffusion, which doesn’t use any heat. There are different ways that you can go about cold diffusing oils. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Store Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants. These oils are often used for aromatherapy, though the therapeutic benefits of essential oils are not fully known or accepted within the medical community. However, some studies suggest that pure essential oils may play a role in improving the quality of life for people with certain chronic medical conditions. [1] Many oils are somewhat volatile, though, and will quickly lose their scent if exposed to air, sunlight, or extreme temperature fluctuations. If you purchase, create, or blend essential oils, you'll need to store them correctly to ensure that they do not diminish in quality. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Blend Essential Oils

Essential oils can be mixed or used separately to scent skin scrubs, body butters, perfumes, and many other substances. Mixing these oils can be a fun activity as you get to try different scents and mixtures. To begin, you should combine your essential oils to create a pleasing and therapeutic scent. Essential oils must then be diluted with a carrier oil, dispersing agent, or alcohol for use on the skin. After you mix these together, you should safely store your oil, especially if you’re planning on aging the blend. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Apply Essential Oils

Essential oils are the distilled essences of plants. They have many uses, including healing physical ailments and decreasing stress. There are several application methods that are effective for applying essential oils. You can choose to use them topically, or as aromatherapy. The application method you choose will be based on your individual needs. There are several steps you can take to safely and effectively apply essential oils. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are the distilled, pure essences extracted from the fruit, peel, twigs, leaves, or flowers of a plant. They are used in aromatherapy to promote emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils can be applied to the body using carriers such as water or base oils, inhaled using diffusers, or combined with other ingredients to create sprays. Keep reading to learn how to use essential oils. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Treat a Headache with an Essential Oils Roller Ball

Isn’t it the worst when you get a massive headache at work or school and you don’t have any medicine to fight it off? One way to treat headaches on the go is by using essential oils! With certain types of the essential oils, your headache will be gone in no time. [ citation needed ] It’s a way to heal your body naturally, and it smells amazing! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils

Tired of commercial bug sprays and the unwanted chemicals they contain? Are you constantly being bothered or bitten by pests in your own back yard? You can use essential oils to create all-natural bug repellant that will keep flies away from your body and your outdoor dining area CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Make a Candle With Essential Oils

Making candles at home allows you to choose the scent and appearance of your candles. Craft stores sell scents specifically for candle-making, but you can also scent your candles with essential oils. The trick to using essential oils is adding the oils when the wax is hot, but not so hot that the oils evaporate. Because soy wax has a lower melting point than other types of wax and melts easily in the microwave, it is an ideal wax to use to make a candle with essential oils. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Make Natural Essential Oils

Essential oils can be expensive to purchase from the store. If you want to avoid the cost, or simply love home projects, you can make essential oils on your own at home. There are several methods you can use to extract essential oils from plant material. Understand, however, homemade essential oils are not as strong as those bought in the store. You should still follow conventional safety instructions for use of essential oils, even when making your own at home. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to Make Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils extracted from aromatic plants like lavender and rosemary. About 700 different kinds of plants contain useful essential oils, and there are several methods employed to extract them — the most common of which is distillation. While essential oils can be very expensive to buy, they are relatively cheap to distill at home CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE: